Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 39.848 (3.)
Tribe: TwistD
Night bonus: Current: 17:00-01:00

Villages (34) Coordinates Points
Barbarian village
453|502 817
N 0001
446|492 9.112
N 0002
446|491 4.645
N 0003
446|490 4.796
N 0004
446|494 5.260
N 0005
445|494 4.858
N 0006
447|494 4.916
N 0007
444|493 4.252
N 0008
444|491 4.462
N 0009
444|490 4.280
N 0010
444|489 1.158
N 0011
442|492 2.567
N 0012
445|488 1.229
N 0013
444|487 1.611
N 0014
442|488 1.590
N 0015
441|489 1.804
N 0016
440|492 2.751
N 0017
450|497 4.337
N 0018
449|498 7.341
N 0019
439|492 3.107
N 0020
435|494 3.403
S 0021
455|504 1.210
S 0022
454|504 1.412
S 0023
449|499 5.679
S 0024
451|498 2.903
S 0025
450|499 2.927
S 0026
448|500 5.335
S 0027
452|499 2.297
S 0028
442|503 2.032
S 0029
441|505 5.466
S 0030
452|505 1.622
S 0031
455|505 5.986
S 0032
453|505 1.231
S 0033
453|504 1.224
Personal picture
Personal text
Lord of the Lazy Lands

ear_of_rice Motto:"Why raid when you can nap?"

scroll Biography:
Once a fearless warrior, I traded my sword for a pillow and my army for a herd of sheep. I specialize in building defensive walls... mostly to keep myself from accidentally leaving the village.

package Hobbies:
1. Watching my troops walk in circles for hours.
2. Counting resources as they SLOWLY pile up.
3. Strategically avoiding battles while pretending to strategize.

crossed_swords Achievements:
- Master of Dodging Attacks (because I never keep resources around anyway).
- Winner of the "Most Likely to Forget Troops in the Farm" Award.
- World Champion of Logging in Right After Being Attacked.

shield Diplomacy:
Allies: If you send me resources, we’re besties.
Enemies: Please attack during nap hours (2 PM–2 AM).

handshake Trade Offers:
I trade humor for survival. Will throw in bad puns for free.