Map Ranking


Tribe name:WHITE
Number of members:11
Points of the best 20 players35.939
Total points:35.939
Average points:3.267
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 277 (18.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
JonnyBoy6969 1 5,792 164 2
Bosspt? 2 5,339 185 2
jond291 3 4,870 202 5
Lilleauren12g 4 4,668 212 1
Ladiesman1 5 2,982 311 1
aculino 6 2,887 315 2
Pablo1 7 2,718 327 1
lekkere kaas 8 2,579 339 1
Bruinekruin 9 1,888 388 1
Pepper Paul 10 1,460 429 1
Q3000 11 756 465 1
BLACK academy.

WHITE stands for purity, its simplicity untainted by any other hue.

WHITE stands for everything good and right,
and we use it symbolically in opposition to black.

WHITE is the colour of certainty, of illumination, and of insight, and we associate it with knowledge and learning.

WHITE is inviolable, the color that reveals the distasteful by comparison with its purity.

Noir Knight
